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, 10:28, 5 March 2021
Now I would like to mention that in this article I have frequently compared T-Shirt transfer printing to screen printing. Screen printing has two distinct benefits. You are able to use white ink and the ink for screen printing is designed specifically for fabric.<br><br>Another method is Direct To Garment (DTG) printing. This is a method of running the actual shirt through a printer which prints the image on to the shirt just as a standard in home ink jet printer would print out a document from your computer. There has been some talk in the design community of the ink drying or clumping up in these machines, but I have seen the work they do and it looks great and feels great on the shirt. This is a higher end option at this time with some printers going for around $25,000. You could get a used on for around $16,000, but it would take a lot of shirts to pay off that large of an investment.<br><br>There is another difference between a shirt and a T-shirt, and that is the concept of printing on the T-shirt. One of the adorable genres has proved to be the T-shirt printing industry. Everyone, especially teens and adolescents tend to get their T-shirts printed. Such is the craze for printed T-shirts that most of the times, printed T-shirts have 300% more sales than the ones that are plain. You must have seen your friends wearing printed T-shirts. These cool printed T-shirts have become a rage in the teenagers and people aged 20-40. The craziness experienced by men wearing these T-shirts simply cannot be ignored.<br><br>Why not look at previous winners, and other T shirts that you like, and see if you can establish why you like them, and why they are popular. What about speaking to other T Shirt designers and seeing what inspires them, or what else you can learn from them?<br><br>Another method is Direct To Garment (DTG) printing. This is a method of running the actual shirt through a printer which prints the image on to the shirt just as a standard in home ink jet printer would print out a document from your computer. There has been some talk in the design community of the ink drying or clumping up in these machines, but I have seen the work they do and it looks great and feels great on the shirt. This is a higher end option at this time with some printers going for around $25,000. You could get a used on for around $16,000, but it would take a lot of shirts to pay off that large of an investment.<br><br>Because using wit or a slogan, or even a play on words or a catchphrase can work well on a T shirt, you don't need to be a writer, or great with words to create something amusing on a T shirt.<br><br>But those things are just some of the gifts that technology and time has granted us. Today, you can think of your own t-shirt designs and have shirts with your choice of color, style, and print made only for you. But the best part is that these customized t-shirts won't even cost you a thumbnail-sized percentage of designer t-shirts sold by those fancy retail shops. We need not ask why custom t-shirts are making their rounds quite fast.