T-Shirt Screen Printing Machine
Digital printing is another method that is used for t-shirt printing. This is printing method which is gaining popularity gradually. For printing the t-shirt, it is stretched on a frame below the ink jet printer head. The printing on the garment is done exactly as it is done on the paper. Inkjet transfer paper is used for printing the same design on large number of garments with ease. This method is good to choose if you want to reproduce certain photographic prints, logos or other multi-colored images.
However, the biggest negative is that there is no white ink in this printing method. So, if you were to print the Canadian flag on a light blue T-Shirt the flag would be red and light blue instead of red and white. However, there is a T-Shirt transfer paper designed especially for printing on dark T-Shirts that solves this problem.
Once you have decided to try this out you will need to find the perfect t-shirt which matches your style. Look for online t-shirt stores or walk in to any good t-shirt store in your town.
Although you may be pregnant, remember that you can still have a sense of fashion and a little fun with the best t-shirt slogans for your maternity wear. These are the top 10 maternity t-shirt slogans.
This method enables you to get complex photographic and multi-colored images and that too in without too much of mess. However there are some limitations of this process. Every time you want to print a t-shirt you need to cut the shape that you want to be printed and remove the part that you do not want on the t-shirt. This takes up a lot of time and the process becomes non-feasible if you need to do the work in bulk.
We all know what Marlon Brando was. James Dean too. They put the white T shirt on the map and invested them with a macho status and allure that has not rubbed off to this day. But has an actor ever defined the black t shirt the way Brando & Dean did white?
These more advanced t-shirt printing processes now make use of, what else, a computer! If you want to start a custom tee business, knowledge in basic computer operation is a must. What you need to do is print the customer's desired design in a special type of paper with an inkjet or laser printer and using waterproof ink. Then the image is transferred to the shirt. The images are then dried and ironed so they won't come off no matter how many times you use and wash the t-shirt. The quality of the t-shirt itself is also important.